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Next-Generation AI Methodologies in Education

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Dr. Eriona Çela
University of New York Tirana
Assoc. Prof. Narasimha Rao Vajjhala
University of New York Tirana
Assoc. Prof. Mathias Fonkam
Pennsylvania State University

About the Book

This book will explore the cutting-edge intersection of artificial intelligence and educational practices, examining how Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionizes teaching methodologies in secondary schools and colleges. This book will comprehensively investigate the emerging discipline of AI-driven education, highlighting its potential to enhance personalized learning, increase educational accessibility, and transform traditional pedagogical methods. Through a series of detailed case studies, this book will illustrate practical examples of AI integration in various educational settings, showcasing the successes and challenges of implementing AI tools such as adaptive learning systems, AI tutors, and data-driven curriculum adjustments. These case studies will demonstrate AI's current capabilities in education and provide educators and administrators with actionable insights for adopting similar technologies in their institutions. This book will introduce the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence, tailored specifically for educational professionals without a technical background. The chapters in this book will discuss the implications of AI in education, including ethical considerations, the role of teachers alongside AI, and the future possibilities for AI in enhancing learning outcomes. This book will serve as an essential resource for educators, policymakers, and educational technology developers, offering a visionary perspective on the evolving landscape of education in the AI era. This book aims to equip readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate and lead the transformation in educational environments, fostering a generation of adept learners interacting with advanced technologies.

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7220-3

ISBN13: 9798369372203

Note: There are NO submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication.

Research Questions

The research questions guiding this proposed book project include:

  1. How can artificial intelligence (AI) technologies be effectively integrated into teaching methodologies in secondary schools and colleges to enhance personalized learning?

  2. What are the ethical considerations and challenges of using AI in educational settings, and how can they be addressed to ensure equitable access and privacy?

  3. In what ways can AI-powered learning analytics improve educational outcomes, and what are the methodological considerations for their implementation?

  4. How do AI-driven gamification and virtual assistants impact student engagement and support outside the traditional classroom setting?

  5. What are the future prospects for AI in education, and how can educational institutions prepare for emerging AI technologies?

Topics (Suggestive but not limited to)

The proposed tentative content for this book is given below:

  1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education

  2. The Fundamentals of AI and Its Educational Applications

  3. Core AI Technologies and Their Mechanisms

  4. AI Tools Commonly Used in Education: From Machine Learning to Natural Language Processing

  5. Benefits of AI-Powered Learning

  6. Challenges and Considerations for AI in Education

  7. Case Studies of AI Implementation in Secondary Schools

  8. Adaptive Learning Systems and Personalized Education

  9. Enhancing Engagement through AI-Driven Gamification

  10. AI in Special Education: Addressing Diverse Learning Needs

  11. Case Studies of AI Use in Colleges

  12. AI-Assisted Curriculum Design and Course Management

  13. Virtual Assistants and Tutors: Extending Support Beyond the Classroom

  14. Data Analytics for Improved Academic Outcomes

  15. Methodological Considerations in AI Teaching

  16. Designing AI-Integrated Lessons

  17. Assessing the Effectiveness of AI Tools in Teaching

  18. AI-Powered Learning Analytics and Feedback

  19. Ethical and Societal Implications of AI in Education

  20. Privacy, Security, and Data Handling

  21. Equity and Access: Avoiding AI Bias

  22. The Role of Teachers in an AI-Enhanced Educational Landscape

  23. Innovative Teaching Strategies Enhanced by AI

  24. Collaborative Learning Facilitated by AI

  25. AI in Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms

  26. Future-Oriented Learning Skills and AI

  27. Implementing AI in Educational Institutions

  28. Infrastructure and Investment Needs for AI Integration

  29. Training Educators for the AI Future

  30. Case Examples of Successful AI Adoption Strategies

  31. Future Trends and Emerging Technologies in AI Education

  32. AI’s Role in Lifelong Learning and Professional Development

  33. Cutting-edge AI Research and Its Implications for Education

  34. Predictions for AI in Education Over the Next Decade

  35. AI-Empowered Teachers: Optimizing Instruction

  36. Emerging Trends in AI and Education

  37. The Evolving Role of Teachers in the AI-Powered Classroom

  38. The Global Impact of AI on Education

  39. Reimagining Education with AI

  40. Future Prospects and Final Thoughts on Navigating the AI Revolution in Education

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another book, journal, or conference.


Kindly note the following when submitting your book chapter:

  • Submit an initial proposal, including the title of the chapter and the problem/purpose statement explaining the proposed chapter. The deadline for submission of the initial proposal (500 words) is July 28, 2024.

  • Submit your proposal through the following link:​

  • The full chapter is due by October 13, 2024.

  • The length of the chapter should be 5,000-7,000 words.

  • The paper should be formatted per the template provided, and APA 7th edition style of references should be used in the chapter. The template will be sent to the authors after the acceptance of the initial proposal.

  • Chapter Template

  • Call for Papers is also available here:

Feel free to email us if you have questions or want feedback on your proposed research question

You may also contact us via professional social media at:

Important Dates

Expression of Interest            -  August 30, 2024

Draft chapter due date           -  October 13, 2024 

Peer review period                 -  October-November, 2024

Finalized chapter due            -  December 15, 2024

Book publication date            -  January 2025

© 2023 by Assoc. Prof. Narasimha Rao Vajjhala

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  • Twitter Dr. Narasimha Rao Vajjhala
  • LinkedIn Dr. Narasimha Rao Vajjhala
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